Priscilla News - October 16th 2019
What an amazing week we have experienced. We have ventured from the soft climes of the beautiful Atherton Tablelands, to the heat and dust of the bush, and on to visit good friends. Priscilla has proved her perfection by being dust proof as we have travelled across some very rough and dusty roads. She and Terry Toyota are covered in red dust externally, but not a sign internally, much to my relief. I can’t say the same for myself!
We have had the pleasure of having three nights with friends on their cattle station outside Mt Surprise. Here we were treated like kings, with generous hospitality and kindness.

One of my highlights was to visit the Undara Lava Tubes on a nearby National Park and station owned by the Collins Family who we had the pleasure of knowing when we lived in the Gulf.
To find this geological phenomenon of the longest lava tubes in the world, in the middle of the harsh, dry, outback was astounding. We had a fantastic guide who made the two hour visit incredibly interesting. Inside the tubes felt like we had air conditioning and the patterns on the walls made it feel like an art gallery. I suggest you google ‘Undara Lava Tubes’ and if possible, visit one day.
We both loved being back on a cattle station, finding the country very different to ‘McAllister’. We bounced around the enormous run, admiring well-bred Brahman cattle, boiling the billie and visiting stunning waterholes and dams. They even showed us their waterfall! Beautiful spring fed running water flows through their station all year round. It was amazing to witness this in October, which is the driest month (and to me, the hottest!!) before the wet season.
We reluctantly waved our hospitable hosts goodbye, with a freezer full of rump steak, corned beef and Red Emperor fish, to travel through rough and dusty roads to The Lynd Junction, in the middle of no-where…….enough said….. my mood was not pretty!!

I’m ready for a hot bath and a massage………wishful thinking. We have no internet or mobile reception and I’m not sure when we will……….
Back to the ‘good old days’………..groan!!
Author Jenny Old
Author on Board #BackofBeyond #Western Queensland #Australian travels #gypsies #outback